Monday, February 27, 2012

Urban Decay 24/7 Shadow Pencil Stash

First of all, I am a total junkie when it comes to makeup sets. I've been lusting after this Urban Decay set for awhile now and when the website bumped the price down to $12 (originally $34), I figured I had to order it.

From Left to Right: Clash, Delinquent, Sin, Juju, Rehab

First off, the color selection is... interesting. I like the combination of colors and neutrals, but I think better colors could have been chosen. For example, the color Clash is absolutely breathtaking and as vibrant as they come, but it's not very wearable for most of us. A color like that is one that I would prefer as an eyeliner, not an all-over shadow.

Though I'm not typically a fan of jumbo pencils, I found these to be pleasant. Unlike the NYX Jumbo Pencils (which I enjoy, but I find can be a bit tough), these pencils are buttery smooth. Like their 24/7 Eyeliner counterparts, they're highly-pigmented and swatch like a dream.

From the top to the bottom: Rehab, Juju, Sin, Delinquent, Clash

As you can see, none of the neutrals are the same, but I would have preferred a color instead of one of the neutrals, but that's just me. Perhaps a set of 6 (3 neutrals, 3 colors) would have been better. Aside from my color nitpicking, all of these shadows are GORGEOUS. They're the creamiest shadow pencils I've ever tried and for $12, they're absolutely worth it! 

Have any of you tried out these pencils? If so, are you planning on it? What's your favorite shade from the set? (My personal favorite is Delinquent!)


  1. i really like urban decay especially the hyped naked palette. but it's so nice and pigmented :')
    i like those pencils as a eyeshadow base but I use the nyx one, because they're not so pricey.
    but the blue one has such a nice and unique colour! love it :)
    really nice and helpful post, dear!


    1. I love Urban Decay, as well! Their products are amazing! And I use the NYX Jumbo Pencils, too! They are perfect bases!

  2. I got this too! I love UD and I like that there were 3 neutrals and 2 wild colors. I found you through BBU Blog Hop. I'd love if you checked out my blog and followed back. :)


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